Please donate today to help us fill a critical gap.

A donation helps us to feed a child, nourish a mother, and provide critical care and safety.

Even though we receive generous support from the UN, USAID and World Food Program, we are not able to cover the needs of all of those who we serve.

By donating today, you’ll be joining a growing community of passionate individuals who believe in making a difference. Your donation is an investment in the health and well-being of our collective future – so please, join us and be part of something extraordinary today!

We rely on the support of individual and corporate donors, who can help us make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who deserve the dignity of clean water, food, and healthcare.

We are extremely efficient with our funding and can deliver even more nutrition, care, and safety with your help.

All donations at 100% tax deductible and a receipt will be provided.

Help us, help them. They deserve it, thank you.

If you prefer to write a check, please make the check out to:

South Sudan Nation Builders

Memo: JDF South Sudan

Our success is because of you.

1.7 Million

People suffering from malnutrition have been fed through our nutrition programs.


Patients have been cared for, provided life-saving medicines and healthcare services.


Babies have been delivered and 45,000 mothers have received pre- and post-natal Care at JDF facilities.

Thank You.

Thank you to our Major Donors

  • Angelina Jolie – USA

  • Brad Pitt - USA

  • United Technologies Corporation (UTC) - USA

  • International Relief and Development (IRD) - USA

  • Basic Services Fund (BSF) - EU

  • World Food Program (WFP) - UN

  • USAID/OFDA- U.S. - Government

  • IMA World Health - Church

  • Integrated community case management (ICCM) - EU


  • ACF- Action on Hunger - UN

  • Vector Magnetics Fund - USA

  • South Sudan Humanitarian Funds (SSHF/CHF) - South Sudan

  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS Charities) - USA

  • Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) - Polish Government